God Doesn't Work in Mysterious Ways

Ever heard the expression “God works in mysterious ways”? Well that’s not the case for me and here’s why: People constantly exclaim “God works in mysterious ways” but that hasn’t been the case in my life (recently at least). What does ‘mysterious ways’ even mean anyways? Does it mean that we cannot comprehend what God is doing in our lives? Does it mean God always has something up his sleeve for us? Does it mean you receive blessing without realizing they are blessings? I’ve never really understood the expression. I will let you be the judge of those questions and answer them, but I know for certain that God hasn’t worked in mysterious ways for me, personally at least. The reason I say he hasn’t worked in mysterious ways is that his work is evident in my life. His ways are easily distinguishable to me. God has blessed me with family and friends that love me dearly and would do anything for me. He has blessed me with a healthy mind, soul, and even body. He blessed me with...